Air, Water and Soil Pollutants (AWSP)

The Air, Water and Soil Pollutants (AWSP) focus group addresses exposures that may drive the high rates of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), as well as a variety of cancers, including lung and bronchial cancer, in Chicago due to these pollutants.

Of the Top 50 polluters in Cook County in 2015, 60% were near African American and Latino communities. Water quality in Chicago is likewise also a major concern. Members of this focus group have identified persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as PCBs, dioxins, brominated flame-retardants, and pharmaceuticals in Lake Michigan sediments and placentas of women who delivered babies at the UIC hospital. AWSP members are also investigating the health effects of arsenic in water locally and globally. Other industrial heavy metals under study (chromium, lead, manganese) are linked to declining renal function, hypertension, cancers, learning disabilities, and other serious chronic health conditions.

Kirsten S. Almberg
Maria Argos
Hua Yun Chen
Vanessa Coffman
Andrew Davis
Samuel Dorevitch
Kamal Eldeirawi
Serap Erdal
Jeni Hebert-Beirne
Jyotsna Jagai
Salman Khetani
An Li
Kathryn L. Nagy
Ian Papautsky
Igor Paprotny
Victoria W. Persky
Robert M. Sargis
Margaret Sietsema
Mary Turyk

Oluwafunmilad Abiodun
Habib Ahsan
Alison Anastasio
Brisa Aschebrook-Kilfoy
Charles Catlett
Robert Hamanaka
Muhammad G. Kibriya
Gokhan M Mutlu
Christopher Sola Olopade
Jayant Pinto
Sabina Shaikh
